Monday, October 11, 2004


Changes Galore!

Often when I am wandering around IMDb, I come across movies I am interested in but are still in production. So, I went through and made a list of these. Partly so I can keep track of them without having to look them up each time and partly so y'all can see what I am looking forward to. Some of them are remakes of movies I love. Some are sequels of movies I love. Some are based on books I love or by authors I love. Some are just movies that may be interesting. Some are movies that are just going to be too awful to miss.

On a side note, there may be a potential problem. I rented the movie that I intend to review first. Sadly, my Playstation will not play it. I may have to change movies. This is what sucks about only having a Playstation for a dvd player. Fortunately, my birthday is next week and I have asked for a real dvd player, so life should get better soon. I promise that if I have to choose a different movie as my first one, I will still do this one as soon as I am able.

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